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Check out our new website and tell us what you think!
At Premier Global Logistics we believe in providing logistics solutions that are tailor to meet our customer’s requirements. Our technology combined with our commitment to pro-active communication allows Premier to provide our customers with the feeling that we are on sitting right next to them and become an integral part of their logistics department.
We view our newly revised website as a logistical resource and information center and not a sales propaganda site. we hope our customers find our website as a place they would want to bookmark and utilize everyday in their logistical world. Whether it is to access information about their shipments with Premier, do a weight/dimension conversion or to research a logistical question we strive to provide the tools and resources.
Below are just a few areas of our new website to check out.
- About Us – We are proud of who we are and what we stand for!
- WebTracker Login – This is where you can login and see every single detail about your shipment you would ever want to know. If you don’t have a WebTracker login go to the Contact tab and send us a note that you would like to be setup.
- Tools & Resources – You don’t have to be the expert in all logistical areas you just need to know where to turn. From helpful regulatory sites to currency / weight & dimensional conversions we have it all.
- Vertical Markets – Curious as to what Premier does best check out our vertical markets and see if we are a fit for your business.
- Technology – At Premier we are very proud of “our behind the scene” technology and what it allows us to do for our customers as well the technology we put in the hands of our customers, (Webtracker) that allow them a view into their supply chain unlike any other transportation company.
- Pro-Active Communication – Follow @PremierGL on Twitter for immediate transportation related alerts and news that may impact your business.
In keeping with Premier’s mission of providing logistics solutions that are customer driven and not carrier driven this site will be dynamic and ever changing with what Premier is doing as well as what our customers tell us is important. We welcome input from our customers so please do not hesitate to provide your feedback as what is on your “wish list” of things you would like to see and we will do everything we can to incorporate them in our technology.
Thanks and stay tune for more updates!